Saturday, September 13, 2014

Wow marke bee keepers

Today at the Davidson Farmer's market we had mike Goode, Kayne , Elizabeth Martin, India and Sam who are all beekeepers. The had some bees for us to see as well as equipment and the answers to lots of questions

Friday, August 22, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Black-eyed Susans

The purple Coneflowers bloom so much earlier than the Black-eyed Susans but we have both now

Friday, July 18, 2014


I guess this is a preying mantis although it's brown instead of green

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blackberry Roll recipe

This is from Fannie Farmer Cookbook 13th Edition but it's pretty much like what my family has always made

Craggy Gardens

We hiked in the Craggy Gardens area yesterday. The Rhodys are done but saw a lot of Phlox and Carolina Lilies.


It's mid July and we are getting a nice crop of blackberries here in the NC mountains. Going to make a Blackberry Roll soon.

My wildflowers

We have a very sunny spot near our driveway that I'm turning into a wildflower garden. The bees, butterflies and Goldfinches love it!